Hello again, I hope all is good and that you have had an enjoyable couple of weeks. I have as ever been busy working on several different projects. While still finding the time to get out and enjoy myself. Well you have got to get the work life balance right haven’t you? That is very important I think. Luckily I love what I do so even when I am working a lot I am always enjoying myself, which means it does not actually feel like work at all. I did have a rather nice evening off the other Saturday at my Aunt and Uncle’s 50th Wedding Anniversary Party. It was really nice to catch up with so many family members and friends and one thing is for sure. You can always rely on members of your family to help you keep your feet on the ground and make sure you stay grounded. I lost count of the number of times I was asked when I was going to get a proper job. I also bumped into the man who taught me to drive and promptly found out that he retired from the Driving Instructor game soon after teaching me. I am guessing he wanted a less dangerous occupation like lion taming or being Alan Sugar’s secretary.

I am hoping to be working with the BBC on a new project over the next couple of months and have already had a couple of interesting meetings with them about it. As a result of this it enabled me to get a tour of New Broadcasting House a few weeks ago. It is a very impressive place. The equipment they have in there is space age. The radio studios are like the bridge of the Starship Enterprise. Just on the way into the building I actually walked past Nick Grimshaw and then on the way out as I was leaving I walked past Greg James. So in one visit alone I spotted most of the Radio One main daily presenter line up. I also got to have a look at the newsroom that you see in view behind the television newsreaders finding out the rules that are in place for people who work in that area. So they do not embarrass themselves or the station on national TV. Not sure if this is a big secret or not but they told me so I am telling you the One Show is going to be moving to a new studio there in the near future and it will be set up in such a way that you will actually be able to look in to the set from the outside, which means they are quite exposed. Which could make for some interesting viewing I would imagine.

I also got to have a good nose round the Radio Theatre which is pretty amazing when you think of the history of the place and all the great performers and singers who have played there. I was in the dressing room there the day after the Stereophonics had done a special one off concert for Radio 2 and I have to say they had left the place very tidy. Newsjack is also recorded there. So I got to see the place where my joke was delivered and received by the live audience, to go with my recording of the audiences reaction to my joke. Newsjack returns in September and I am looking forward to offering them more material for the new series of the show.

I am quite excited as I have managed to get some tickets to go and see the Strictly Come Dancing Premiere Show being recorded at the show’s new home for this series Elstree Studios. This is the show where we will see which celebrity’s are taking part this year and which professional dancers they will be partnered with. My only slight disappointment is that my favourite Aliona left at the end of the last series, so she will not be there. I’m not exactly sure when it will be shown on TV but I am guessing it will be the Saturday after the recording. But fear not I will let you know when I know, so you can try and spot my face on the TV. I hope I am sitting somewhere near the judges. As I think they will be good fun both during and in between the recording of the show. It will be interesting to see if I have met any of the celebrity’s before. Just like I had on last year’s show. And below is a picture of this meeting to prove it.

I have to confess that I did actually watch the first show of this year’s Celebrity Big Brother the other night. I was not going to but I then looked at Twitter and felt I needed to witness it and see for myself what was going on. I will be honest I consider that I am quite knowledgeable about famous people and keep up to date with the popular trends but I have to confess I had not actually heard of around a third of the people who entered the house. I was surprised to see Louis Spence and Carol Mcgiffin in there, but the producer’s seem to always like at least one Loose Women in the house. (Insert you own punch line here) Good to see Screech from Saved By the Bell back on TV. I did used to like that show as a kid. Mainly I think because if I was watching it in the morning it meant it was the school holidays. And finally fair play to Abs from Five when asked by the presenter Emma Willis what made him want to do Big Brother he answered “Well I need the money don’t I” I salute you sir and wish all the others taken part were as honest as him. Respect.
Last weekend I went along to a free music concert that was put on in the centre of Aylesbury called Hobble on the Cobbles. Now in the past I have organised and hosted several big entertainment events there. So it was actually really nice to go along and just enjoy the event without any of the other pressures that are around if it is all your responsibility. It was great to catch up with some friends and also the stage crew from Class Act, who I have worked with myself on many occasions in the past. It was nice to see so many local and talented bands and singers performing and that so many people came out to watch and support them. The headline act were The Searchers, who I have seen before and who were absolutely brilliant. Such a tight and talented band with a great stage presence and a nice style when talking to the crowd to. Their current drummer of three and a half years service is Scott Ottaway who is from Aylesbury. So it was a really nice home coming gig for him. Both the crowd and the band seemed to equally enjoy themselves. And well done also to my mates Dez Kay and Andy Holmes for their hosting duties on the day.

Filming has been delayed once again due to other commitments for my appearance in the short film “Behind The Painted Smile”. It is now looking like this will be running on in to September, but I have spoken to the producers and they still hope to have it released by the end of the year.
One of the things I am currently working on is a new idea for a musical. It is something I do not believe has actually been done anywhere in the world before. This project is in the very early stages of planning currently. I have so far just written a very basic outline of the plot. I will be doing some more research first and then speaking to friends of mine who work in the musical world to help give me some guidance with it. I am not a song writer so rest assured it would be a musical that uses already existing songs. Which can work well as We Will Rock You and Mama Mia have proved.

Have fun and we will catch up again in a couple of weeks. Cheers Neil.