Hi there, how are you doing? I hope you have had a really good couple of week’s. Mine have been pretty busy with a lots of fun things going on. I have mentioned previously that there is actually another Neil Quigley. And that he is a well known and respected Dance Music DJ and producer. Who often does remixes of some really big songs.
I am a regular user of Twitter. On the social networking site I am simply @NeilQuigley. While my namesake is @djneilquigley.

So from time to time people will get us confused. I will get a tweet saying what a brilliant new track I have released. Or even better sometimes I get a review of my latest remix promoted on line. Normally when I get the chance to. I try to point out that they have got the wrong man. And also I suggest the man they want.
The other day this led to me having a very brief conversation with the other Neil Quigley. We are not at all related. Although we do both have similar hair styles. It was nice to finally speak to him and acknowledge each other. I wonder if he ever gets any tweets that were meant for me?

I had another great night out at the theatre recently watching Breakfast at Tiffany’s at the Theatre Royal in London. It is the musical stage version of the 1961 film starring Audrey Hepburn. That movie gave us quite a few iconic moments and images. Most of which featured the lead actress.
In this adaptation the singer Pixie Lott plays the mysterious Holly Golightly. Although best known as a pop star. She went to a very well known stage school. So is no stranger to the world of acting. And of course after her appearance on Strictly Come Dancing. The same applies to dancing.

I thought she was fantastic in the role. We all know that she has a sensational singing voice. Which she showed us with the two great versions of Moon River she did during the show. Her accent, timing and over all performance was excellent. She played it brilliantly in my opinion.
The rest of the cast were also great. It was brilliant to see the hugely talented Victor McGuire. Who I remember from the television comedy Bread, perform. The lead male Matt Barber was also fabulous.
I have to confess I have never watched the whole film previously. So I found the story interesting and engaging, seeing it for the first time. As ever with timeless classics that are brilliantly written. A lot of it is as applicable now to our lives as it was back then.
Another show that is worth a look if you get the chance. It is only on in London for a limited time and then it is going on a nationwide tour. I can see Pixie Lott doing more work in musicals after this has finished. She is perfectly suited to it.

I must admit that I have not watched that much of the Olympic games this time round. A lot of the main events have just been on a little to late for me to stay up and watch. During London 2012 I just about managed to catch all of the big moments.
And I was delighted to go along with my mum to see one of the events. I went to watch the Beach Volley Ball. Which was at Horse Guard’s Parade in London. Great though that was for me. I am guessing that the teams possibly prefer playing at the Copacabana Beach at this championship.

Well done to Mo Farah for his amazing achievements on the track. The brilliant Max Whitlock for winning two gold medals in the Gymnastics. The great Justin Rose for getting gold in the golf. Andy Murray for regaining the title he won in London four years ago. Katherine Grainger for being great in the rowing. And Laura Trott for becoming our most decorated female Olympian.
Not forgetting her fiance Jason Kenny who now tops the over all men’s medals table along side Sir Chris Hoy. Adam Peaty for his gold in the pool. And the whole of Team GB. Who did the country proud and provided us with so many great sporting moments. There have been so many great individual and team performances. It has been a good games overall for us. Building and improving impressively on the last one. Which is all you can do in life.

I think the Sports Personality of the Year show is going to be intriguing this year. There are already so many contenders for the main award. They may as well just make this year an Olympics Special and forget about all the other sporting achievements this year.
One thing we can be sure about after the recent European Championships is that the winner will not be a footballer.

While the sportsmen and women have been out in Brazil. The comedians have been up in Scotland taking part in their own sort of Olympics. I am of course talking about the Edinburgh Festival. I have been keeping an eye on some of the shows and performers up there.
Mainly to see if I can find any new acts that I have not seen before. To watch in London later on in the year. As a massive comedy fan. I am always on the look out for new people to go and check out. And new shows to see.
There are quite a few comics up there performing who I have seen before. There are quite a few I have interviewed or spoken to in the past. And there are a few that I have actually had the pleasure of gigging with. These include the wonderful Tony Law. Who headlined my first four stand up gigs. The hilarious Silky, who was on the same bill as me for my debut. And is brilliant.

And the unbelievable Olaf Falafel, who I have performed with a couple of times. He also did the same comedy course I did the year before I did it. He is doing his first one hour show at the Fringe this year.
He also is a huge producer of very funny comedy vines. Which have currently had over seventy-five million views. So keep an eye out for him.

Last weekend I went up to Liverpool to see my good friend Jeff Nolan. And to enjoy the start of the new Premier League season. By watching my team Tottenham in action against his team Everton at Goodison Park. I got up there on the Friday evening. We went straight to the Pub for a few drinks and a good old chat.
Then we went back to his for some food. And then as can sometimes happen. When you have two people who are massive music fans. We ended up staying up and talking until the early hours listening to songs. Great fun at the time but it did leave us a little light on sleep for the match day.

We were up bright and early on the Saturday ready for the start of the season. And after a hearty protein inspired egg and cheese breakfast. We set off in to the centre of Liverpool to meet the others who we were going to the game with. I really like being there. I know the place pretty well, as I go there so often. So I enjoy visiting the usual pubs while I am there.
When we arrived at the ground ready for kick off. We found Everton had slightly changed their season ticket system. Which meant there were massive queues outside. Which actually led to us missing about the first ten minutes.

We were standing outside when we heard a cheer. Initially I thought it was coming from the Tottenham fans and that we had taken the lead. But I was wrong and it was the home side that had gone in front. So when I got to my seat my team were already losing. That was still the case at half time, when we met up inside for the traditional half time pint of Chang Lager. They are Everton’s sponsor. And it is the only place and time I ever drink the stuff.
Then it was back in for the second half. Tottenham equalised and had a few chances to win the game. But one all it finished. I was a little disappointed that we did not win it, to be honest. Although I was happy with a point. I think Everton under Ronald Koeman will be difficult to beat at home.

After the game we visited a few more of Liverpool’s drinking establishments finishing up in one that was called the Old Ballroom. It was like a real old fashioned social club. It had a Wedding going on in the function room. While we and a few other locals were in the main bar.
This room had a jukebox that seemed to play nothing but eighties music. With that soundtrack, the venue and the other people there. It did feel a bit like we were in an episode of Only Fools and Horses. I did think that at any moment somebody could fall through the bar hatch.

So the football season is now under way and I had another brilliant weekend in Liverpool. We finished the evening with a Pizza. From a well known chain that used to use ex England footballers in its adverts. Classic lads day out. On the Sunday before I got the train home.
I had a quick walk down Mathew Street. Which is where the original Cavern Club used to be. It is fair to say that pretty much all the venues there have some sort of nod to the Beatles. I have had some good fun around that area over the years. It is a lively place to visit.

One of the television quiz shows that I went to an audition for earlier this year began this week on ITV 1. It is called Alphabetical and is hosted by the great Jeff Stelling. I had a good time meeting the production staff and playing a version of the game at their offices.
I did well I thought. And won my head to head on the day. So if I was playing for real I would have walked away with some money. It is a fairly straight forward general knowledge quiz. Where they will tell you either what letter the answer starts or ends with depending on the round.

I did get short listed for the show but I was never invited along to the studios to play it for real unfortunately. Which is a shame for two reasons. It was great fun to play in the audition and secondly the prize money on it is really good. It would have also been nice to meet Jeff Stelling.
I am a big fan of his work on the Sky Sports Show Soccer Saturday. He is brilliant on there. He did walk past me once when I was working at Wembley Stadium. But I never got the chance to speak to him.

So as well as releasing a new David Brent film. Ricky Gervais is also making a return to stand up comedy and working on a new show. Like most of the comedians do when they are honing a new show. He is doing some warm up shows for it in London. Thanks to a friend of mine I am actually going to see one of these performances in London this week.
I am really looking forward to it. I have enjoyed his previous tours. And I am fascinated to see the early stages of this new one. I will of course tell you about it next time we speak.
Have fun and we will catch up again in a couple of weeks. Cheers Neil.